I am trying to collect as many 6th grade class pictures as possible. If you have one please send it to me at: jfvarner@riverbottoms.com I prefer it to be scanned at at least 300 dpi.

Many thanks to the grade schools and Dave Brousard for letting us in to get scans of the pictures. Hoover pictures have been acquired and will be posted soon.

If you can put names to the pictures please print them and add the names and then regular mail it back to me.

All 6th of the classes at Coolidge were combined 5th and 6th grade classes so many of those people did not graduate in 1979 but were juniors then.

Truman - Complete Cleveland- Complete Van Buren- Missing Pictures Coolidge- Complete Taylor Grant Fillmore Hayes Hoover
Miss Bloomhall Mrs. Cooney Mr. Williamson Mrs. Williams
Mr. Bengston Mrs. Dotzauer Miss Kopecky
Miss Smittkamp Mr. Peters Mr. Ruffalo
Mr. McNiel
Mr. Jones
Mrs. Gabrielson